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GPS Status & Toolbox | AndroidDrawer.com Displays GPS and sensor data: position and signal strength of satellites, accuracy, speed, acceleration, altitude, bearing, pitch, roll and battery state. Tools included: compass with magnetic and true north, leveling tool, mark or share your location and navigate back later using the Radar. Keep your GPS fast: reset it or download A-GPS data regularly for faster fixes. GPS Status & Toolbox - Apps on Google Play GPS Status & Toolbox is the answer to all your needs. Displays all the GPS and sensor data you ever were curious about: position and signal strength of satellites, accuracy, speed, acceleration, altitude, bearing, pitch, roll and battery state. Tools provided: compass with magnetic and true north, leveling tool, waypoints: mark or share your location and navigate back later using the Radar télécharger gps status & toolbox gratuit (android) 27/08/2018 · télécharger gps status & toolbox android, gps status & toolbox android, gps status & toolbox android télécharger gratuit
GPS Status & Toolbox 7.3.155 Apk Displays GPS and sensor data: position and signal strength of satellites, accuracy, speed, acceleration, altitude, bearing, pitch, roll and battery state. Tools included: compass with magnetic and true north, leveling tool, mark or share your location and navigate back later using the Radar. Keep your GPS fast: reset it […] GPS Status & Toolbox - Android App - Download - … 09/10/2013 · GPS Status & Toolbox - Android App 4.3.78 Deutsch: Die kostenlose Android App "GPS Status & Toolbox" zeigt Ihre exakten Positionsdaten sowie die Höhe über dem Meeresspiegel an. GPS Status & Toolbox PRO v7.0.139 Apk - 4AppsApk GPS Status & Toolbox PRO v7.0.139 Apk Samsung phones: Because of a firmware bug, they may report extreme battery consumption for GPS Status even if it is not running at all. 3 way points in the free version; Material launcher icons; Theme chooser got a preview and moved to the side navigation bar; BeiDou satellites and visible waypoints are marked with a cross; PRO: GPX/KML export, import and GPS Status & Toolbox PRO 7.0.139 Apk - …
Displays GPS and sensor data: position and signal strength of satellites, accuracy, speed, acceleration, altitude, bearing, pitch, roll and battery state. Tools included: compass with magnetic and true north, leveling tool, mark or share your location and navigate back later using the Radar. Keep your GPS fast: reset it or download A-GPS data regularly for faster fixes. GPS Status & Toolbox - Apps on Google Play GPS Status & Toolbox is the answer to all your needs. Displays all the GPS and sensor data you ever were curious about: position and signal strength of satellites, accuracy, speed, acceleration, altitude, bearing, pitch, roll and battery state. Tools provided: compass with magnetic and true north, leveling tool, waypoints: mark or share your location and navigate back later using the Radar télécharger gps status & toolbox gratuit (android) 27/08/2018 · télécharger gps status & toolbox android, gps status & toolbox android, gps status & toolbox android télécharger gratuit
GPS Status & Toolbox APK. Have you ever waited minutes to get a GPS lock? Do you often forget where your car is parked? Did you ever wonder what sensors do your device have and whether they work properly? GPS Status & Toolbox is the answer to all your needs. Displays all the GPS and sensor data you ever were curious about: position and signal strength of satellites, accuracy, speed
На нашем сайте вы легко можете скачать GPS Status & Toolbox PRO.apk! Всё без регистрации и отправки смс! С хорошей скоростью и без вирусов! 2 дек 2019 Скачать последнюю версию программы GPS Status & Toolbox 9.2.194 на Android. Программа для Android, которая отображает данные Télécharger GPS Status & Toolbox 9.2.194 gratuitement pour ... GPS Status & Toolbox est une application gratuite pour les téléphones et tablettes Android de Google destinée à vous permettre d'utiliser de façon optimale le système GPS de votre smartphone. En effet, GPS Status & Toolbox à pour fonction d'afficher les données de votre capteur GPS avec la position et la force du signal reçue des satellites. De ce fait, grâce à GPS Status & Toolbox GPS Status for Android - APK Download - …